The Cyprus Entrepreneurship Competition announced about the completion of the evaluation of the applications submitted by teams from Cyprus and abroad. Based on the results, 10 teams have been invited to participate in the CyEC Acceleration Program ( Philip Ammerman participated in the evaluation process as one of the Competition judges.
Limassol, Cyprus: 29 September 2020
The Cyprus Entrepreneurship Competition challenges scientists, startup founders, and hi-tech entrepreneurs to transform their ideas into real business opportunities. The Competition’s objective is to develop start-ventures or social enterprises that create competitive advantage and innovation.
Thirty-four applications were submitted in Stage 1 of CyEC2020. All applicants submitted an Executive Summary of a pitch deck outlining:
The Business Idea
The Competitive Advantages
The Target Market
Market Potential
The Qualities of the Team
The panel of judges competed the evaluation process and selected the teams/projects to proceed in Stage 2 of the CyEC2020:
BeHive Consulting Academy
Sky Solutions
At the end of CyEC Acceleration Program, teams are required to submit a well-developed Business Plan. The CyEC Jury will evaluate and rate the submitted Business Plans and select the finalist teams for Stage 3.
According to the CyEC, this year’s submissions demonstrate improvement in terms of quality and maturity. The submitted projects represent preliminary positive outcomes of common effort and commitment of all the Cyprus entrepreneurial ecosystem stakeholders: academia, corporates, policy makers and start-ups.
Navigator Consulting supports the Cyprus Entrepreneurship Competition as a sponsor by:
mentoring the hosted teams,
providing a monetary award to the winning entries
providing space at Navigator offices in Limassol for 6 months
Navigator supports entrepreneurship and innovation in Cyprus and internationally. Navigator Consulting’s Entrepreneurship Charter is our commitment to support start-ups and spin-offs between 2010 and 2020 and beyond.
For further information, please contact:
Philip Ammerman
Managing Director
CyEC. 29 September 2020
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