We are pleased to announce that Mr. Orestis Votsis has joined the Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship. Orestis will be working as a consultant in our Limassol office, responsible for marketing, digital transformation and strategic development for projects relating to technology, innovation and start-ups.
Orestis earned a Bachelor’s in European Studies with a minor in Entrepreneurship from the University of Maastricht.
His prior work experience includes online product promotion and marketing with a consulting firm in Limassol specialising in educational and training services.
Following this, he worked as Head of Online Product & Business Promotion for a retail and distribution company in Limassol, responsible for content creation, social media management, e-shop management, and web development. In this capacity, he successfully introduced a new web platform and trained key stakeholders, including business customers, in its use.
Orestis is an avid music lover and playing guitar well enough to book live gigs. He is also an avid traveller and football player.
At CIE, Orestis will support our operations in Cyprus and Greece, with a focus on project management, customer relationship management, online marketing, and other project activities.
He will coordinate our training and development activities for institutional clients in Cyprus, and will also support key initiatives such as NavInvest Greece and Navigator Consulting.